04.Police Department

479 employees

Employee list sorted by total pay — You are on page 4. Scroll for more details →

Name Title Total Pay
Kurt M Grinstead Police Officer $92,905
Wendi J Ground Police Sergeant $112,201
Todd A Groves Public Service Officer $54,061
Launa E Groves Identification Lab Specialist $83,065
Brian Duane Gruber Police Officer $82,776
Jeffrey J Hahne Public Service Officer $54,061
Riley R Hamilton Technology Support Specialist II $87,050
Charity L Hamm Police Officer $96,539
Teresa R Hammond Stores Clerk $58,319
Christine C Harmon Senior Public Safety Dispatcher $68,536
Matthew Clark Harwell Public Safety Dispatch Supervisor $79,127
Nolan J Hauser Police Officer $96,539
Bailey Ann Havlat Public Safety Dispatcher $46,276
Jeffrey Mark Hawken Police Officer $82,776
Andrew Nolan Hayden Public Safety Dispatcher $51,592
Douglas W Headlee Police Officer $96,539
Marcus A Hefley Police Officer $96,539
Chad M Hein Police Officer $96,539
Jason J Hellmuth Police Officer $96,539
Kassi Jean Hier Senior Public Safety Dispatcher $68,536
Susan M Hildreth Police Records Technician $51,838
Jesse J Hilger Police Officer $96,539
Elton N Hill Police Officer $96,539
Jeffrey S Hillabrand Police Officer $96,539
Tobias D Hite Police Officer $96,539
Jameson Matthew Hoage Public Safety Dispatcher $47,545
Brian K Hoefer Public Service Officer $54,061
Giselle Guadalupe Hogan Police Officer $96,539
Michael D Holm Police Officer $96,539
Samuel Mccanlies Housh Police Officer $89,390
Christopher L Howard Police Officer $96,539
Jeffrey Dixon Howard Police Officer $92,905
Teresa Rae Hruza Professional/Technical Worker $50,712
Cameron Ray Hruza Police Officer $68,297
Todd A Hruza Police Sergeant $112,201
Maxwell Charles Hubka Police Captain $126,537
John G Hudec Police Officer $96,539
Bradley C Hulse Police Officer $96,539
Jennifer L Hurley Police Officer $96,539
Robert S Hurley Crime Analyst $77,307
Payton Bethany Hyland Police Officer $82,776
Kiefer D Hyland Police Officer $96,539
Darren Patrick Ivy Grant Coordinator I $56,127
Brian L Jackson Assistant Chief of Police $167,787
Jeffery L Jacobs Police Officer $96,539
Kathryn Ann Jacobs Public Safety Dispatcher $47,545
Gregory A Jacobsen Radio System Specialist $71,893
Mark A James Police Sergeant $112,201
Stephanie N Janiak Police Officer $86,020
Scott M Jarecke Police Officer $96,539

Organization notes

The City of Lincoln only provided an annualized full time salary figure. It does not include overtime and does not represent the gross pay received by individual employees.

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