07.Transportation and Utilities Department

576 employees

Employee list sorted by total pay — You are on page 6. Scroll for more details →

Name Title Total Pay
Benjamin A Kessler Environmental Specialist III $77,307
Jason R Killingsworth Utility Equipment Operator II $65,940
Chad Alan Kipper Traffic Technician $60,975
Hunter David Kirby Control/Instrumentation Technician $68,299
Grace Marie Kollars Environmental Specialist I $44,140
Richard Lee Korth Bus Operator $59,829
Richard M Kostner Transportation Equipment Operator II $65,023
Michael L Kramer Utility Engineering Specialist $77,307
Brian A Kramer Superintendent of Wastewater Collection $129,411
Race Martin Krasser Transportation Laborer $48,618
Bryan P Kroese Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator $73,753
Harry Bodo Kroos Senior Engineering Technician $85,161
James D Kruse Water Plant Operator $73,753
Kayla Marie Kruske Professional/Technical Worker $62,400
Rock A Krzycki Senior Environmental Health Specialist $91,191
Erin Ann Kubicek Environmental Health Educator II $62,866
Ronald Rae Kuntz Bus Operator $59,829
Stanley E Lacey Bus Cleaner $39,815
Jeffery E Lacey Utility Equipment Operator III $64,222
Tyler Lee Lacey Senior Engineering Technician $76,396
Jeremy J Lackey Facilities Operations Coordinator $79,949
Joshua W Lahmon Senior Water Service Technician $67,380
Guy K Lahners Heavy Equipment Mechanic $67,818
David John Lambrecht Transit Dispatcher $60,459
Michael A Lammli Senior Traffic Technician $85,161
Todd M Lange Concrete Finisher II $70,285
Dylan Jacob Larchick Engineering Technician $77,307
Allison Drew Larson Accountant $71,562
Travis A Laughlin Transportation and Utilities Security Manager $85,638
Michael Thomas Lawson Bus Operator $59,829
Eric C Lee Facilities Operations Coordinator $101,712
Alexandra Jean Lee One-Call Technician $60,056
Myungwoo Lee Associate Engineer $85,638
Michael S Leedom Utility Equipment Operator III $64,222
Ryan Matthew Leeper Associate Engineer $74,630
Christopher Paul Lefrois Senior Traffic Technician $85,161
Jason M Lemay Utility Engineering Specialist $77,307
Phillip Andrew Lemons Accountant $62,957
Richard Brian Lenhoff Delivery Clerk $42,405
Allan B Lierman Accounting Supervisor $70,231
Chin Hong Lim Sanitary Engineer $112,771
Nicholas J Lind Environmental Specialist II $66,947
Chad Thomas Loffredo Utility Locate Technician $62,895
Brett T Logue Utility Plant Mechanic I $69,006
Lance D Loschen Utility Supervisor $76,800
John Allen Losey Transportation Laborer $48,618
Robert L Love Bus Journey Mechanic $61,241
Nicholas A Love Assistant Transit Manager $76,546
Mary E Lowe Office Specialist $55,675
Kevin A Lutz Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator $73,753

Organization notes

The City of Lincoln only provided an annualized full time salary figure. It does not include overtime and does not represent the gross pay received by individual employees.

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