Employee list sorted by total pay — You are on page 6.
Name | Title | Total Pay |
Benjamin A Kessler | Environmental Specialist III | $77,307 |
Jason R Killingsworth | Utility Equipment Operator II | $65,940 |
Chad Alan Kipper | Traffic Technician | $60,975 |
Hunter David Kirby | Control/Instrumentation Technician | $68,299 |
Grace Marie Kollars | Environmental Specialist I | $44,140 |
Richard Lee Korth | Bus Operator | $59,829 |
Richard M Kostner | Transportation Equipment Operator II | $65,023 |
Michael L Kramer | Utility Engineering Specialist | $77,307 |
Brian A Kramer | Superintendent of Wastewater Collection | $129,411 |
Race Martin Krasser | Transportation Laborer | $48,618 |
Bryan P Kroese | Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator | $73,753 |
Harry Bodo Kroos | Senior Engineering Technician | $85,161 |
James D Kruse | Water Plant Operator | $73,753 |
Kayla Marie Kruske | Professional/Technical Worker | $62,400 |
Rock A Krzycki | Senior Environmental Health Specialist | $91,191 |
Erin Ann Kubicek | Environmental Health Educator II | $62,866 |
Ronald Rae Kuntz | Bus Operator | $59,829 |
Stanley E Lacey | Bus Cleaner | $39,815 |
Jeffery E Lacey | Utility Equipment Operator III | $64,222 |
Tyler Lee Lacey | Senior Engineering Technician | $76,396 |
Jeremy J Lackey | Facilities Operations Coordinator | $79,949 |
Joshua W Lahmon | Senior Water Service Technician | $67,380 |
Guy K Lahners | Heavy Equipment Mechanic | $67,818 |
David John Lambrecht | Transit Dispatcher | $60,459 |
Michael A Lammli | Senior Traffic Technician | $85,161 |
Todd M Lange | Concrete Finisher II | $70,285 |
Dylan Jacob Larchick | Engineering Technician | $77,307 |
Allison Drew Larson | Accountant | $71,562 |
Travis A Laughlin | Transportation and Utilities Security Manager | $85,638 |
Michael Thomas Lawson | Bus Operator | $59,829 |
Eric C Lee | Facilities Operations Coordinator | $101,712 |
Alexandra Jean Lee | One-Call Technician | $60,056 |
Myungwoo Lee | Associate Engineer | $85,638 |
Michael S Leedom | Utility Equipment Operator III | $64,222 |
Ryan Matthew Leeper | Associate Engineer | $74,630 |
Christopher Paul Lefrois | Senior Traffic Technician | $85,161 |
Jason M Lemay | Utility Engineering Specialist | $77,307 |
Phillip Andrew Lemons | Accountant | $62,957 |
Richard Brian Lenhoff | Delivery Clerk | $42,405 |
Allan B Lierman | Accounting Supervisor | $70,231 |
Chin Hong Lim | Sanitary Engineer | $112,771 |
Nicholas J Lind | Environmental Specialist II | $66,947 |
Chad Thomas Loffredo | Utility Locate Technician | $62,895 |
Brett T Logue | Utility Plant Mechanic I | $69,006 |
Lance D Loschen | Utility Supervisor | $76,800 |
John Allen Losey | Transportation Laborer | $48,618 |
Robert L Love | Bus Journey Mechanic | $61,241 |
Nicholas A Love | Assistant Transit Manager | $76,546 |
Mary E Lowe | Office Specialist | $55,675 |
Kevin A Lutz | Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator | $73,753 |
The City of Lincoln only provided an annualized full time salary figure. It does not include overtime and does not represent the gross pay received by individual employees.
07.Transportation and Utilities Department
09.Parks and Recreation Department
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