City of Lincoln

2,609 employees

15 departments

Employee list sorted by total pay — You are on page 50. Scroll for more details →

Name Title Department Base salary
Trey Lawrence Wayne Firefighter (2912 Hours) 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $81,629
Jamel Elaina Mishon Ways City Council Secretary 01.City Council $53,163
Leshara Melanie Ways Senior Human Resources Specialist 10.Human Resources Department $69,736
Brad L Weakly Network Infrastructure Manager 06.Finance Department $138,628
Alexander John Webb Firefighter Paramedic 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $72,954
Gionna Chrysa Weber Recreation Aide II 09.Parks and Recreation Department $27,040
Brodey Brian Weber Council Member 01.City Council $24,000
Christopher M Weber Police Sergeant 04.Police Department $108,478
Nicole L Weber Community Center Supervisor 09.Parks and Recreation Department $75,013
William Lawrence Weddle Park Planner II 09.Parks and Recreation Department $86,994
Kristina M Wedekind Animal Control Dispatcher 12.Health Department $43,399
Gary W Weger Labor Supervisor 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $73,218
Iris E Weger Account Clerk III 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $59,315
Amanda Jo Wegher Office Specialist 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $48,826
Cynthia Ethel Wehland-Falk Para-Professional/Technical Worker 09.Parks and Recreation Department $31,200
Corey L Weinmaster Police Officer 04.Police Department $96,539
Seth R Weiss Transportation Equipment Operator II 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $62,895
Gregory B Welch Library Service Associate 14.Lincoln City Libraries $55,062
Karla M Welding Superintendent of Solid Waste Operations 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $129,411
Amy Marie Weldon Bus Operator 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $59,829
Sydney Marie Wells Registered Dietitian I 12.Health Department $58,076
Nicholas J Wemhoff Systems Project Supervisor 06.Finance Department $120,806
William R Wendeln Maintenance Repair Worker II 09.Parks and Recreation Department $68,542
Jill R Wendling Laborer II 09.Parks and Recreation Department $54,384
Terry Lee Wensel Technology Support Specialist I 06.Finance Department $65,682
Michael Charles Wenz Intermediate Level Worker 20.Aging Partners $30,493
Daniel J Wenz Firefighter (2912 Hours) 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $81,629
Warren D Wenzl Professional/Technical Worker 12.Health Department $41,600
Patrick R Wenzl City Fleet Manager 06.Finance Department $112,771
William Joseph Wenzl Pool Manager 09.Parks and Recreation Department $48,464
Kay Louise Wenzl Assistant Director of Aging Partners 20.Aging Partners $93,120
Raymond Richard Werner Electrical Inspector 08.Building and Safety $82,031
Jason E Wesch Police Lieutenant 04.Police Department $123,621
Norbert A Wessel HVAC Inspector 08.Building and Safety $76,384
George John Wesselhoft Planner I 11.Planning Department $82,724
Lisa J Westlund Library Service Associate 14.Lincoln City Libraries $55,062
Roxane G Weston Police Records Technician 04.Police Department $51,838
Ronald Anson Wever Senior Public Safety Dispatcher 04.Police Department $61,481
Victor Vandiver Wharry Police Officer 04.Police Department $79,647
David M Wheaton Bus Operator 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $50,854
Caleb E Whisenhunt Bus Operator 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $59,829
Jenna Leigh White Aging Specialist III 20.Aging Partners $68,351
Rodney V Whitehall Technology Support Specialist I 06.Finance Department $65,682
Claire Marie Whitehead Environmental Health Educator II 12.Health Department $57,113
Dempsey Jane Whitmore Recreation Aide II 09.Parks and Recreation Department $24,960
Jarred Dean Whitsell Senior Traffic Technician 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $74,348
Sheena Lynn Whitsell Professional/Technical Worker 12.Health Department $85,280
Samuel Scott Wiarda Police Officer 04.Police Department $89,390
Scott C Wiebe Fire Captain 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $103,557
Andrew Scott Wiebe Para-Professional/Technical Worker 09.Parks and Recreation Department $31,200

Organization notes

The City of Lincoln only provided an annualized full time salary figure. It does not include overtime and does not represent the gross pay received by individual employees.

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