Ryan Sean Wieber |
Library Director |
14.Lincoln City Libraries |
Tess Colleen Wiechman |
Professional/Technical Worker |
09.Parks and Recreation Department |
Steven J Wiese |
Police Sergeant |
04.Police Department |
Mark Alan Wieting |
Professional/Technical Worker |
06.Finance Department |
Kelsey Brooke Wiiest |
Assistant City Controller |
06.Finance Department |
Jace D Wikoff |
Utility Plant Mechanic I |
07.Transportation and Utilities Department |
Jacob B Wilderman |
Firefighter (2912 Hours) |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |
Bradyn Ryan Wiley |
Recreation Aide II |
09.Parks and Recreation Department |
Samantha Renee Wilkins |
Firefighter (2912 Hours) |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |
Jacob E Wilkinson |
Police Officer |
04.Police Department |
Brian J Will |
Planner II |
11.Planning Department |
Joshua A Willers |
Bus Apprentice Mechanic |
07.Transportation and Utilities Department |
Rita B Willey |
Intermediate Level Worker |
09.Parks and Recreation Department |
Kyle M Williams |
Senior Engineering Technician |
07.Transportation and Utilities Department |
Angela C Williams |
Office Specialist |
07.Transportation and Utilities Department |
Kristopher Reese Williams |
Utility Equipment Operator II |
07.Transportation and Utilities Department |
Todd Alan Williams |
Control/Instrumentation Technician |
07.Transportation and Utilities Department |
Candice Sharel Willis |
Public Health Lab Technician |
12.Health Department |
Grace Ruth Willnerd |
Professional/Technical Worker |
02.Mayor’s Department |
Shane E Willoughby |
Systems Software Integrator |
06.Finance Department |
Seth Thomas Wilson |
Payroll Specialist |
06.Finance Department |
Araya Rose Wilson |
Library Service Associate |
14.Lincoln City Libraries |
Jeremy Charles Wilson |
Utility Equipment Operator III |
07.Transportation and Utilities Department |
Travis Jeffrey Wilson |
Firefighter (2912 Hours) |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |
Dakota Michael Wilson |
Firefighter (2912 Hours) |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |
Joshua Lee Wilson |
Intermediate Level Worker |
09.Parks and Recreation Department |
Demon L Wimes |
Animal Control Officer II |
12.Health Department |
Patrick Brendan Wingfield |
Police Officer |
04.Police Department |
Susan K Winkler |
Office Specialist |
20.Aging Partners |
Duane A Winkler |
Police Captain |
04.Police Department |
John M Winter |
Police Officer |
04.Police Department |
Shane K Winterbauer |
Police Officer |
04.Police Department |
Alessandra Joy Winterbauer |
Police Officer |
04.Police Department |
Jordan T Wipf |
Senior Engineer |
07.Transportation and Utilities Department |
Damon M Wirth |
Fire Apparatus Operator |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |
Morgan Beth Wise |
Professional/Technical Worker |
09.Parks and Recreation Department |
Janice R Wishnow |
Recreation Aide I |
09.Parks and Recreation Department |
Pamela A Wismer |
Office Specialist |
12.Health Department |
Tamara Beth Wissing |
City Treasurer |
06.Finance Department |
Gregg A Witfoth |
Senior Public Safety Dispatcher |
04.Police Department |
Dustin J Witherspoon |
Fire Apparatus Operator |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |
Aishah Sheigh Witte |
Administrative Officer |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |
Amy Jean Witte |
Professional/Technical Worker |
09.Parks and Recreation Department |
Jordan R Wittenburg |
Aging Specialist III |
20.Aging Partners |
Chase Lee Wittenhagen |
Public Safety Dispatcher |
04.Police Department |
Donray L Wittstruck |
Utility Plant Mechanic II |
07.Transportation and Utilities Department |
Ryan J Witzel |
Police Sergeant |
04.Police Department |
Annette C Woehrer |
Fire Apparatus Operator |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |
Stacy Renee Woita |
Account Clerk III |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |
Matthew Richard Woitalewicz |
Fire Captain |
05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue |