City of Lincoln

2,609 employees

15 departments

Employee list sorted by total pay — You are on page 51. Scroll for more details →

Name Title Department Base salary
Ryan Sean Wieber Library Director 14.Lincoln City Libraries $163,359
Tess Colleen Wiechman Professional/Technical Worker 09.Parks and Recreation Department $52,000
Steven J Wiese Police Sergeant 04.Police Department $112,201
Mark Alan Wieting Professional/Technical Worker 06.Finance Department $124,800
Kelsey Brooke Wiiest Assistant City Controller 06.Finance Department $84,248
Jace D Wikoff Utility Plant Mechanic I 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $69,006
Jacob B Wilderman Firefighter (2912 Hours) 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $63,173
Bradyn Ryan Wiley Recreation Aide II 09.Parks and Recreation Department $24,960
Samantha Renee Wilkins Firefighter (2912 Hours) 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $66,242
Jacob E Wilkinson Police Officer 04.Police Department $96,539
Brian J Will Planner II 11.Planning Department $95,763
Joshua A Willers Bus Apprentice Mechanic 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $58,770
Rita B Willey Intermediate Level Worker 09.Parks and Recreation Department $33,280
Kyle M Williams Senior Engineering Technician 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $76,396
Angela C Williams Office Specialist 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $55,675
Kristopher Reese Williams Utility Equipment Operator II 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $60,765
Todd Alan Williams Control/Instrumentation Technician 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $68,299
Candice Sharel Willis Public Health Lab Technician 12.Health Department $47,884
Grace Ruth Willnerd Professional/Technical Worker 02.Mayor’s Department $145,600
Shane E Willoughby Systems Software Integrator 06.Finance Department $83,102
Seth Thomas Wilson Payroll Specialist 06.Finance Department $64,282
Araya Rose Wilson Library Service Associate 14.Lincoln City Libraries $44,302
Jeremy Charles Wilson Utility Equipment Operator III 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $60,399
Travis Jeffrey Wilson Firefighter (2912 Hours) 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $81,629
Dakota Michael Wilson Firefighter (2912 Hours) 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $69,309
Joshua Lee Wilson Intermediate Level Worker 09.Parks and Recreation Department $29,120
Demon L Wimes Animal Control Officer II 12.Health Department $68,426
Patrick Brendan Wingfield Police Officer 04.Police Department $96,539
Susan K Winkler Office Specialist 20.Aging Partners $52,137
Duane A Winkler Police Captain 04.Police Department $135,545
John M Winter Police Officer 04.Police Department $96,539
Shane K Winterbauer Police Officer 04.Police Department $96,539
Alessandra Joy Winterbauer Police Officer 04.Police Department $96,539
Jordan T Wipf Senior Engineer 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $108,961
Damon M Wirth Fire Apparatus Operator 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $88,298
Morgan Beth Wise Professional/Technical Worker 09.Parks and Recreation Department $52,000
Janice R Wishnow Recreation Aide I 09.Parks and Recreation Department $29,640
Pamela A Wismer Office Specialist 12.Health Department $55,675
Tamara Beth Wissing City Treasurer 06.Finance Department $133,940
Gregg A Witfoth Senior Public Safety Dispatcher 04.Police Department $68,536
Dustin J Witherspoon Fire Apparatus Operator 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $88,298
Aishah Sheigh Witte Administrative Officer 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $91,191
Amy Jean Witte Professional/Technical Worker 09.Parks and Recreation Department $52,000
Jordan R Wittenburg Aging Specialist III 20.Aging Partners $59,675
Chase Lee Wittenhagen Public Safety Dispatcher 04.Police Department $48,859
Donray L Wittstruck Utility Plant Mechanic II 07.Transportation and Utilities Department $71,421
Ryan J Witzel Police Sergeant 04.Police Department $112,201
Annette C Woehrer Fire Apparatus Operator 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $88,298
Stacy Renee Woita Account Clerk III 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $59,315
Matthew Richard Woitalewicz Fire Captain 05.Lincoln Fire & Rescue $92,356

Organization notes

The City of Lincoln only provided an annualized full time salary figure. It does not include overtime and does not represent the gross pay received by individual employees.

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