Lincoln Electric System

532 employees

115 departments

Employee list sorted by total pay — You are on page 7. Scroll for more details →

Name Title Department Total Pay
Jacob Nelson Line Technician 1st Class TD South 2A $97,216
Na Name Withheld IT Engineer, Infrastructure Information Infrastructure $97,175
Bailey Fletcher Line Technician IIB TD North 2A $97,025
Marlana Webb Lead, GIS-CAD GIS-CAD $96,792
Brent Aronson Line Technician IIB TD South 2A $96,675
Nathan Farringer Lead, GIS-CAD GIS-CAD $96,466
David Alder Supervisor, Stores Stores $95,918
Nathan Mcgrath Line Technician IB TD North 1B $95,824
Timothy Spath Meter Technician IVA Meter Technology $95,792
Jacob Strauss Line Technician IIB TD North 2C $95,055
Jacob Brogan Lead, GIS-CAD GIS-CAD $94,785
Adam Fischer Equipment Mechanic 1st Class Transportation $94,759
Jennifer Bangert Specialist II, Energy Services Energy Services $94,281
Na Name Withheld IT Administrator, Cyber Security Network Security $94,192
Renae Walvoord Analyst, Business System Operation, Engineering & Support $93,798
Taylor Bailey Supervisor, Buildings and Grounds Buildings and Grounds $93,546
Andrew Spaulding Equipment Mechanic 1st Class Transportation $93,440
Dylan Osterhaus Line Technician IIIA TD South 1A $92,997
Adam Ihde Project Inspector, Vegetation Management Vegetation Management $92,165
Jeffrey Cosgrove Specialist, Safety and Physical Security Safety & Physical Security $92,144
Kenneth Heiden Equipment Mechanic 1st Class Transportation $92,088
Isaac Villa Saucedo Substation Technician IIIA Substation Maintenance $92,046
Robert Jeffers Heavy Equipment Operator 1st Class TD North 2B $91,954
Tyler Moormeier Specialist, GIS-CAD Systems GIS-CAD $91,370
Benjamin Hostetler Senior Analyst, Treasury and Risk Mgmt Treasury and Risk Management $91,157
Patrick Faughn Equipment Mechanic 1st Class Transportation $90,740
Jennifer Hasenjaeger Specialist, Website Customer & Corporate Communications $90,705
Andrew Howard Engineer III, Resource & Trans Planning Resource & Transmission Planning $90,564
Kevin Gerlach Designer III Distribution Design South $90,508
James Henderson Engineer, Distribution Distribution Design South $90,325
Terri Dier Analyst, Business Asset Management & Planning $90,001
Julia Panko Haberman Supervisor, Talent Acquisition and Dev Talent Acquisition and Development $89,671
Tanner Shuck Analyst I, ERP Functional Business Solutions $89,529
Na Name Withheld IT Administrator, EMS SCADA & EMS $89,302
Daniel Winkler Crew Leader, Grounds BG Combo $88,945
Edgar Aldana Engineer, Distribution Distribution Design North $88,682
Alexander Lacey Building Maintenance Mechanic 1st Class BG South 1 $88,658
Jairo Gamboa Urrego Analyst, Rates & Analytics Rates and Analytics $88,508
Marcia Cash Generalist, Human Resources Human Resources $88,271
Nicholas Poteet Hydrovac Excavation Operator 1st Class TD North 3B $88,265
Levi Ackermann Line Technician IB TD South 1C $87,567
Christopher Goering Senior Analyst, Rates & Analytics Rates and Analytics $87,430
Angelica Valencia Engineer, Substation Design Substation Design Engineering $87,339
Cord Pageler Telecommunications Technician IIIA Telecommunications Technology $87,294
Stephani Paro Supervisor, Business Office Customer Care, Business Office $87,023
Kayla Jones Senior Accountant Financial Accounting $87,014
David Wilson Analyst I, ERP Functional Business Solutions $86,744
Michael Cheney Equipment Mechanic 1st Class Transportation $86,618
Rod Preusker Locating Specialist TD South 2 $86,605
Troy Hopkins Senior Internal Auditor Communications & Corp Records Division $86,555

Organization notes

Lincoln Electric Service provided numbers for base salary, overtime, other pay and gross pay. It does not pay bonuses to any employees. LES withheld the names of certain security personnel under statute §84-712.05(10).

Explore Lincoln Electric System departments

Business Systems

TD South 1C

TD South 3C


Distribution Design North

Rates and Analytics

TD North 1C

TBGS Operations

TD South 2A

RGS Remote Stations

Communications & Corp Records Division

Learning and Development


Buildings and Grounds

Project Engineering

TD North 3

Energy Services

Talent Acquisition and Development

Substation Protection & Controls Eng

TD South 2

Substation Construction & Maintenance

Resource & Transmission Planning

TD North 2A

TD South 3A

Communications Infrastructure

Customer Care

Business Office

Customer Account Services

Telecommunications Technology

Human Resources

RGS Operations and Maintenance

Terry Bundy Generation Station

Occupational Health and Wellness

Rokeby Generation Station

Customer Contact Center

Substation Heavy Construction


TD South 3B

TD North 2

TBGS Maintenance

Meter Data and Analytics

Protection & Controls Technology

Trans & Distribution North

BG North 1

Information Infrastructure


Treasury and Risk Management


Online Customer Services

System Operation

TD South 1B

Customer & Corporate Communications

Energy Delivery Division

TD North 2C

Asset Management & Planning

T&D Construction

TD North 1A

TD North 2B

TD South 1A

TD North 1B

Budgeting and Financial Planning

Meter Services

Executive Office

TD North 3B

Technology Services

Substation Construction

Procurement & Stores

Meter Technology

Generation Operations

Land Management

Energy and Environmental Operations

Power Supply Division

Project Management

Business Solutions

Facilities Operation

Distribution Design South

Corporate Governance & Records


TD South 1

Customer Services Division

Cyber Security

Trans & Distribution South

Substation Maintenance


Vegetation Management

Enterprise Solutions

Regulatory Compliance

Financial Accounting

Energy Market Optimization_Settlements

Payroll and Accounts Payable

Engineering Asset Planning

Financial Services Division

Business Solutions Customer & Financial

BG South 1


Distribution Design 2

Transmission and Civil Design

Business Solutions Development

Substation Design Engineering

Safety & Physical Security

Technology Systems

System Control


Energy Management


Engineering & Support

Energy Market Operations


Network Security

Corporate Operations Division

TD South 3

BG Combo

Custodial and Services

TD North 1

Lincoln Electric System