Parks Recreation and Public

1,052 employees

Top 50 shown sorted by total pay Scroll for more details →

Name Title Total Pay
Matthew K Kalcevich Parks Recreation and Public Property Director $177,258
Joshua J Frey Park Maintenance Manager $124,134
Robert R Baber Golf Manager $124,134
Earl J Lindner City Maintenance Superintendent $118,581
Christopher K Haberling Recreation Manager $106,454
Brian D Hartley City Maintenance Supervisor $105,206
Daniel Seder Assistant Director – Parks Recreation and Public Property $103,522
Kari H Vasquez Recreation Supervisor $102,710
Dennis E Bryers Parks and Recreation Planner II $99,424
John G Williams Parks and Recreation Planner II $99,424
Timothy R Carmicheal Project Manager $97,864
David J Austin City Maintenance Supervisor $97,115
Sara L Kolala Recreation Supervisor $96,470
Steven R Slater Recreation Supervisor $93,371
Katie L Swanson Parks and Recreation Planner II $91,728
James E Chezem Applications Analyst $91,645
Amy J Bell Management Analyst $90,314
Randy T Nguyen Recreation Supervisor $90,272
Shane T Wampler Recreation Supervisor $90,272
John J Wynn Forester $89,502
Troy M Lorenz Golf Course Superintendent $89,204
Brett R Drain Project Manager $88,317
Matthew D Rohlfs Master Electrician $86,799
Brenda K Paul Public Events Coordinator $86,403
George A Barth Golf Course Superintendent $86,185
Michaela T Clemens Marketing Manager $85,571
Richard L Ronk Golf Course Superintendent $84,927
Margaret A Martin Office Manager $84,136
Pammi J Courtney Recreation Coordinator $83,782
Kristi K Peitzmeier Recreation Coordinator $83,782
Paula A Garcia Recreation Coordinator $83,782
Marguerite M Dunning Recreation Coordinator $83,782
Amanda J English Recreation Coordinator $83,782
Aaron S O’Dowd Plumber $83,117
Trent W Wolford Electrician $82,124
Mark R Swearingen Automotive Repair Foreman $81,910
Peter B Hagen Senior Golf Professional $80,725
Terry D Heskett Jr Senior Golf Professional $80,725
Joseph F Wiegand Senior Golf Professional $80,725
Richard D Coenen Electrician $80,451
William D Andersen Jr City Maintenance Foreman III $79,583
Harold V Blevins Parks and Recreation Planner II $79,040
Jonathan R Carleton Recreation Coordinator $78,894
Kelly K Maher Recreation Coordinator $78,894
Alexandria L Garcia Recreation Coordinator $78,894
Jacob P Higgins Recreation Coordinator $78,894
William K Jacobsen Senior Golf Professional $78,749
Kenneth H Tolliver-Humpal City Maintenance Foreman III $76,998
Barbra J Rempe Office Manager $76,960
Mark W Gannon City Maintenance Foreman III $76,710

Organization notes

The City of Omaha provided an annual salary and overtime total for each employee. We combined those numbers to create a total.

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