119 employees

Employee list sorted by total pay — You are on page 2. Scroll for more details →

Name Title Total Pay
Tyler Waller Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $159,213
Brady Cromer NLNPO I/Clearance Tag Writer $156,540
Quincy Crawford License Class Candidate $154,143
Bailey Giles License Class Candidate $153,082
Mariah Bantz License Class Candidate $151,379
Benjamin Isbell License Class Candidate $151,294
Richard Martel Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $151,219
Ethan Martinosky Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $150,819
Sheldon Rightsell License Class Candidate $150,095
Ethan Joe Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $149,985
Phillip Spaulding NLNPO I/Clearance Tag Writer $148,423
Robert Conner Operations Support Group Specialist II $145,913
Peter Klinge Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $144,973
Clayton Vonderschmidt Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $144,634
Shelaine Mcshane License Class Candidate $143,872
Aaron Parker Shift Manager $142,113
Riley Devin Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $140,952
Dakota Schulenberg Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $140,377
Ty Jones Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $139,959
Edward Murphy NLNPO I/Clearance Tag Writer $138,441
Nicholas Ruskamp Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $137,725
Kevin Koso NLNPO I/Clearance Tag Writer $137,548
Stephon Rocha Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $137,383
Justin Wheeldon Radwaste Operations Supervisor $135,596
Travis Herron Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $134,690
Thomas Gist Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $132,253
Shawn Hermann Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $131,825
Dustin Dunlap Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $131,368
Tanar Fairchild Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $130,436
Kent Newcomb Station Fire Marshal $130,412
Bobby Willis Operations Support Group Specialist II $127,875
Aaron Drier Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $127,385
Tristan Davis Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $126,356
Kyler Rohlfsen NLNPO I/Clearance Tag Writer $124,163
Kevin Groth Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $121,692
Linus Hendrickson License Class Candidate $119,970
Antonino Alarcon Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I $119,733
Dual Goodson Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $119,684
Brandon Andersen License Class Candidate $117,787
Neil Kerr Radwaste Operations Specialist $117,468
Autumn Harris License Class Candidate $116,336
Mckayla Ewers Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $113,971
Jacob Meysenburg Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $107,845
Elijah Kennedy Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $106,441
Scott Riley Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $103,318
Richard Tanderup Work Control Center Administrator $102,657
Lisa Mitchell Department Performance Improvement Coord $102,593
Sarah Sullivan Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $102,367
Calvin Hughes Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator II $100,763
Richard Kirkland Control Room Supervisor $97,785

Organization notes

Nebraska Public Power District provided numbers for base salary, overtime, other pay, bonus pay and gross pay. NPPD excluded certain security personnel from these records under statute §84-712.05(10).

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Wholesale Billing

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Maint Support

CC Spec – Team 2


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Generation Asset Mgt

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Info Technology Mgr

Telecom Central/West

T & D Materials Mgmt

Retail Billing


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ET Oper Tech Sys

Land Management

Sustainable Energy

Work/Plan Retail

Reliability Complian

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VP-HR & Corp Svc

CSD-Engineering Mgr

Trans Compl & Plan

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Accounts Payable

Contracts Management

Insurance & Risk

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Design Eng


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Electrical Shop

Sc-Ch-Og-Mc Cust Srv

Gov Risk & Assurance

Controller Planning

GGS Electrical

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Corp LR Cap Pln & AM

Mgr Retail

Organizational Dev

MP & C

Business Innovation

Retail Plattsmth Ops

Cost Mgmt- Enrgy Del

Tech Training-CSD

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Combustion Turbine

GM Plant/Operations

Board of Directors

Dir Safety & Hum Per

Maint Manager

Pricng/Rates/WH Bill

Norfolk/O’Neill CS

Retail O’Neill Ops

Admin Services

Internal Controls

Site VP Nuclear

Org Development

Water Systems

Exec VP GA/Gen Coun

VP Cust Svc & Ext Af

Inventory Management


Telecom Engineering


Fac Svc – Central

Non-SAP Apps


Data & Analytics

Telecom North/East


Employee & Customer

Financial Planning

Strategic Sourcing

Generation Strategy

SAP Apps

Economic Development

Resource Plan & Risk

Perf Improvement

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Business Services

Energy Efficiency

Retail General Mgr

Sheldon Lab

Ops Supp Director

CIP Ops & OT Cyber

Telecom Ops Center

System Cntrl Mgr

Canaday Plant

Energy Mgmnt

Org Effectiveness

Governmental Affairs

VP – Energy Prod

Dir Finance & Plan

Cost Mgmt- Enrgy Prd

Fossil/Nuclear Fuels

Ainsworth Wind Facil

Exec VP & CFO

President & CEO

Dist Superintendent

Water Res Mgr

Work Pln & Sch-Trans

Infra Cyber Ops

ECC Ctrl Cntr Supt

Treasury & Debt

SAP Ops & Contracts

Emergency Prep

Chief Inform Officer

SAP Interface Integr

Mkting Strategies

Stakehld & Advoc Mgr

CLSD24Asst to CEO

Infra Technology

Corp Phys Security

Exec VP & COO



Dir Org Effective


PS & O

VP – Energy Delivery