Employee list sorted by total pay — You are on page 4.
Name | Title | Department | Total Pay |
Eric Fulton | Engineer V – CNS | System Engineering | $173,189 |
Steven Bantz | Planning Superintendent | Maint Planning | $173,059 |
Samuel Taylor | Aviation Manager/Chief Pilot | Aviation-Labor | $172,928 |
Wyatt Leehy | Director of Cyber Security | Infra Cyber Ops | $172,831 |
Jesse Neddenriep | Materials, Purchasing & Contracts Manage | MP & C | $172,465 |
Beth Hannaford | Engineer V – CNS | Dir Engineering | $172,451 |
James Fogarty | Performance Improvement Manager | Perf Improvement | $172,381 |
William Green | Code Programs Engineering Supervisor | Eng Prg & Comp | $172,263 |
John Larson | Nuclear Independent Oversight Compliance | Dir-Oversight | $171,885 |
Nathan Werner | Engineering Program & Components Manager | Eng Prg & Comp | $171,801 |
Bryan Seidl | Engineer V – CNS | Design Eng | $171,415 |
Anthony Filips | Engineering Manager – GGS | GGS Engineering | $171,103 |
Stephen Wadas | Engineering Supervisor – System Protecti | CSD-Engineering Mgr | $170,407 |
Lee Rasmussen | Electrical Maintenance Superintendent | Electrical Shop | $170,252 |
Jedediah Fischer | Senior Project Manager – Generation Stra | Generation Strategy | $170,024 |
John Evert | Operations Manager – GGS | GGS Operations | $169,455 |
Nicole Brumbaugh | Manager of Retail Technology, Billing & | Mgr Retail | $169,446 |
Shane Sutton | Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I | Operations | $169,338 |
Tyler Kime | Engineering Supervisor – Lines & Subs | CSD-Engineering Mgr | $169,279 |
Anthony Johnson | Maintenance & Technical Training Superin | Training | $169,236 |
Steven Gocek | Engineer V – CNS | Design Eng | $168,988 |
Timothy Arlt | Vice President Corporate Strategy & Inno | VP Corp Strat & Inno | $168,976 |
John Shadle | Water Resources Supervisor | Water Res Mgr | $167,810 |
Benjamin Munoz | License Class Candidate | Operations | $167,587 |
Philip Leininger | Engineer V – CNS | Eng Prg & Comp | $166,750 |
Ross Grabenbauer | Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I | Operations | $166,377 |
Carol Balerud | Procurement Manager | Procurement Mgmt | $166,350 |
Don Veseth | Senior Capital Planning Program Manager | Corp LR Cap Pln & AM | $166,254 |
Shane Charbonnet | Senior NDE Coordinator | Eng Prg & Comp | $165,836 |
Jeremy Bebb | Radiation Protection Technical Superviso | Rad Protection | $165,725 |
Chad Podolak | Stakeholder & Advocacy Manager | Stakehld & Advoc Mgr | $165,708 |
Douglas Klug | District Distribution Manager | Dist Superintendent | $165,392 |
Shane Moore | Mechanical Maintenance Manager – GGS | GGS Mechanical Maint | $165,164 |
Trever Eickhoff | Mechanical Maintenance Superintendent | Mechanical Maint | $164,960 |
Shannon Bolan | Training Specialist – System Control | Transm Sys Cntl Supr | $164,748 |
Brian Shaw | License Class Candidate | Operations | $164,722 |
John Martin | Engineering Specialist VI – CNS | Design Eng | $164,474 |
Kurt Kreifels | Senior Performance Improvement Analyst | Perf Improvement | $164,305 |
Kyle Kuker | Engineer V – CNS | Design Eng | $163,645 |
Clyde Edgington | NRC Exam Specialist | Training | $163,505 |
Justin Kramer | License Class Candidate | Operations | $163,486 |
Robert Blessin | District Transmission Manager | Lines Supervisor | $163,376 |
Mitchell Perlinger | Shift Supervisor – GGS | GGS Operations | $163,222 |
Gordon Heins | Engineering Supervisor – Controls, Autom | CSD-Engineering Mgr | $162,917 |
Mark Brugger | Senior Capital Planning Program Manager | Corp LR Cap Pln & AM | $162,892 |
Donnie Thorson | Corporate Physical Security Manager | Corp Phys Security | $162,750 |
Christopher Vinson | Maintenance Support Supervisor | Maint Support | $162,643 |
Josh Marion | Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant Operator I | Operations | $162,627 |
Ronald Bender | Cyber Security Compliance Specialist II | Reliability Complian | $162,552 |
Matthew Dickerson | Design Electrical Engineering Supervisor | Design Eng | $162,445 |
Nebraska Public Power District provided numbers for base salary, overtime, other pay, bonus pay and gross pay. NPPD excluded certain security personnel from these records under statute §84-712.05(10).
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