29.Weed Control Authority

12 employees

Name Title Total Pay
Brent Douglas Meyer Weed Control Superintendent $82,848
Patrick Jerome Dugan Chief Noxious Weed Inspector $64,317
Danniel Kelli Mcgown Account Clerk III $52,118
Nicholas Robert Wordekemper Noxious Weed Inspector $12,050
Haley Irene Weber Noxious Weed Inspector $9,577
Hadley Ann Teut Noxious Weed Inspector $7,173
Jackson Gregory Sash Noxious Weed Inspector $5,810
Ava Renae Mcgown Noxious Weed Inspector $4,234
Ryan Matthew Schuster Noxious Weed Inspector $3,261
Logan Kenneth Hafer Noxious Weed Inspector $3,222
Zachary Donald Wordekemper Noxious Weed Inspector $3,076
Brooke Michelle Bolin Noxious Weed Inspector $2,393

Organization notes

Lancaster County provided a base salary number and an overtime number. We combined those numbers to create a total.

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