04.Police Department

479 employees

Employee list sorted by total pay — You are on page 6. Scroll for more details →

Name Title Total Pay
Dustin A Lind Police Officer $96,539
Clair E Lindquist System Supervisor $112,771
Tyler Dale Lindstedt Police Officer $96,539
Daniel Matthew Linsner Police Officer $96,539
Hunter Ryan Logemann Police Officer $68,297
Aaron M Loos Automotive Mechanic $69,227
Jessica Marie Loos Communications Coordinator $120,806
David A Lopez Police Sergeant $112,201
Brent Michael Lovett Police Officer $92,905
David Eugene Lucas Police Officer $68,297
Paul E Luce Police Officer $96,539
Sara Louise Lugn Police Records Technician $52,963
William T Lutgen Police Officer $86,020
Matthew Patrick Maguire Police Officer $86,020
Alex Paul Markey Public Safety Dispatcher $47,545
Robert M Martin Police Officer $96,539
Yesenia Julian Martinez Police Officer $73,757
Todd Daniel Mathewson Police Officer $82,776
Marie J Mathine Crime Analyst $77,307
Lance R Maxwell Police Officer $96,539
Jerad G Mc Bride Police Officer $96,539
Bryce Jordan Mccullough Police Officer $76,644
William F Mcduffee Automotive Mechanic $69,227
Mayde M Mcguire Police Captain $138,455
Selena Marie Mcmeekin Automotive Body Technician $57,360
Elizabeth K Mcqueen Victim Assistance Manager $82,724
Robert Anthony Medina Police Officer $79,647
Vanessa Alexandra Medina Police Records Technician $49,666
Rodney Lee Meester Police Officer $89,390
Diana Julissa Mendez Police Records Technician $48,618
Eric L Messersmith Police Sergeant $112,201
Joshua Adam Meyer Professional/Technical Worker $91,304
Garret Daniel Meyer Police Officer $73,757
Kevin L Meyer Police Officer $96,539
Kyle E Meyerson Police Officer $96,539
Timothy A Mika Police Officer $96,539
Christopher L Milisits Police Officer $96,539
Benjamin D Miller Police Captain $130,961
Joey Mims Public Safety Dispatcher $47,545
Jared A Minary Audio-Video Analyst $70,980
Amanda J Modlin Police Records Supervisor $58,078
Christopher M Monico Police Officer $96,539
Dawn M Moore Office Specialist $55,675
Mark C Moore Police Officer $96,539
Kenneth D Morrow Police Officer $96,539
Michon R Morrow Assistant Chief of Police $169,177
Shane Alexander Mueller Police Officer $82,776
Sara Ann Mueller Police Officer $86,020
Angelique Kay Muessigmann Police Officer $76,644
Michael L Muff Police Sergeant $112,201

Organization notes

The City of Lincoln only provided an annualized full time salary figure. It does not include overtime and does not represent the gross pay received by individual employees.

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